Hen contemplating her own creation....

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hello World - This is The Origami Hen

About half a year ago, I took up origami as an activity to do with one of my sons, and while his interest has waxed and waned since then, I've started to enjoy it more and more. In particular, I've really started to get into modular origami (also known as "unit" origami), which is basically making origami pieces from multiple sheets of interlocking folded paper. I started as a complete novice, and today, I'd still say I am not better than a good beginner. But it's really fun, I plan to keep it up, and hopefully I will keep improving as time goes on. And as part of the process, I wanted an easy way to document my progress. Hence this blog.

So basically this blog is for me, but if anyone else out there reads it and enjoys it too, that's just gravy.

So here goes. The Origami Hen - end of Post #1.


  1. Woo hoooooo! Welcome to the blogosphere! I think you'll love it here...the water's great. :)
